
The Eco-edu Hub project

The Eco-edu Hub project established a network of four youth organizations from the EU and Western Balkans, uniting diverse experiences to enhance environmental education for young people.

The network created focused on developing educational materials, including six brochures and six video tutorials in English and partners’ languages, covering topics such as gardening, composting, upcycling, and zero waste living. These resources are available here on the website and for download.

Key activities of the project included monthly online meetings, video shooting sessions, and a public awareness campaign.

The campaign involved 12 local actions in four countries, including clean-up initiatives, participation in eco-festivals, and events marking international environmental days. Through these efforts, the project promoted sustainable lifestyles and fostered transnational cooperation, laying the groundwork for ongoing collaboration creating more sustainable solutions for environmental education for young people, such as eco-educational hubs. These hubs are various spaces, both virtual and real, such as social networks’ profiles and channels, websites, rural educational centres, corners, stands etc. where young people can learn and practice sustainable lifestyles.

The strong foundation set by this project paves the way for future joint initiatives and the expansion of this impactful network.




Latvia local action 1 – Street local action in Riga, educational materials dissemination at the stand


Latvia local action 2 – educational videos projection

Latvia local action 3 – hiking and cleaning action

Sweden local action 1 – Permaculture Design Course in Suderbyn with people from all over Europe

Sweden local action 2 – ESC Volunteer summer camp “ReGreen” in Suderbyn with young people from all over Europe

Sweden local action 3 – Suderbyn’s stand at the school market of Visby’s Waldorf School


Eco-Edu Hubs project is co-funded by Erasmus+ with project number 2022-3-SE02-KA210-YOU000095398